Choose Dignity .... not Drama

~ Your future is watching ~

"If someone at work challenges something you are doing, and tells you how incompetent you are, what’s your reaction? You would probably say it depends on who the person is.  That’s the whole point.  Your reaction is based on how much power you give that person in your reality. The same is true for illness.  If you make it dramatic in your mind, than that's your reality."  -- excerpt from the upcoming book "Choices-Intend to Choose"

Click here to view Appendix 1 to Subpart P of Part 404 (this link is much too complicated for me)

(This link is much more people friendly):  Click here for a short and clear synopsis for text regarding MS in the Appendix 1 to Subpart P of Part 404. (11.00 E is the SSA listing for MS. Start there)(Local page)

WARNING: This website suggests links to various other websites.  Some are .gov or .org sites and some are websites of disability law firms or disability advocate firms.  The links are sites that provided answers to questions I had when first doing my research.  I have not investigated or "vetted" these sites and I am not endorsing them, but I do believe their sites provide a wealth of information and clarity.

Although my site has links to many varied websites, the links below are direct to the official SSA website.  This is only a partial list for your reference.  Please be again advised my site doesn't offer any legal counsel and I am not attorney.  Always consult with an attorney regarding any legal issues.


Some highly referenced links from the SSA website:
Don't try to read all of them.  Just use them as necessary when reading elsewhere.
404.110. How we determine fully insured status
404.111. When we consider a person fully insured based on World War II active military or naval service
404.112. When we consider certain employees of private nonprofit organizations to be fully insured
404.115. Table for determining the quarters of coverage you need to be fully insured
404.130. How we determine disability insured status
404.132. How we determine fully insured status for a period of disability or disability insurance benefits
404.141. How we credit quarters of coverage for calendar years before 1978
404.142. How we credit self-employment income to calendar quarters for taxable years beginning before 1978
404.143. How we credit quarters of coverage for calendar years after 1977
404.144. How we credit self-employment income to calendar years for taxable years beginning after 1977
404.145. When you acquire a quarter of coverage
404.146. When a calendar quarter cannot be a quarter of coverage
404.315. Who is entitled to disability benefits?
404.316. When entitlement to disability benefits begins and ends
404.320. Who is entitled to a period of disability
404.321. When a period of disability begins and ends
404.322. When you may apply for a period of disability after a delay due to a physical or mental condition
404.325. The termination month
404.327. When you are participating in an appropriate program of vocational rehabilitation services, employment services, or other support services
404.328. When your completion of the program, or your continuation in the program for a specified period of time, will increase the likelihood that you will not have to return to the disability benefit rolls
404.380. General (Special Payments at Age 72)
404.401a. When we do not pay benefits because of a disability beneficiary's work activity
404.409. What is full retirement age?
404.471. Nonpayment of disability benefits for trial work period service months upon a conviction of fraudulently concealing work activity
404.721. Evidence to presume a person is dead
416.905. Basic definition of disability for adults.
416.906. Basic definition of disability for children.
416.908. What is needed to show an impairment
416.909. How long the impairment must last.
404.911. Good cause for missing the deadline to request review
416.912. Evidence
416.913. Medical and other evidence of your impairment(s)
404.914. Disability hearing—general
404.915. Disability hearing—disability hearing officers
404.916. Disability hearing—procedures
404.917. Disability hearing—disability hearing officer's reconsidered determination
416.918. If you do not appear at a consultative examination
416.919a. When we will purchase a consultative examination and how we will use it
416.920(a-g). How we consider evidence.
416.921. What we mean by a not severe impairment(s) in an adult
404.922. Notice of a reconsidered determination
416.923. Multiple impairments
416.924(a-g) How we determine disability for children

416.924a. Considerations in determining disability for children
416.924b. Age as a factor of evaluation in the sequential evaluation process for children
416.925. Listing of Impairments in appendix 1 of subpart P of part 404 of this chapter
416.926. Medical equivalence for adults and children
416.926a. Functional equivalence for children
416.927. Evaluating opinion evidence
416.928.(inc #b) Symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings

416.929. How we evaluate symptoms, including pain
404.930. Availability of a hearing before an administrative law judge
404.932. Parties to a hearing before an administrative law judge
404.933. How to request a hearing before an administrative law judge
404.936. Time and place for a hearing before an administrative law judge
404.938. Notice of a hearing before an administrative law judge
416.945. Your residual functional capacity
404.950. Presenting evidence at a hearing before an administrative law judge
416.960(a-c). When we will consider your vocational background
416.962. Medical-vocational profiles showing an inability to make an adjustment to other work.
416.963. Your age as a vocational factor
416.964. Your education as a vocational factor
416.965. Your work experience as a vocational factor
416.967(a-e) Physical exertion requirements
416.968. Skill requirements
416.972. What we mean by substantial gainful activity
404.977. Case remanded by Appeals Council
404.983. Case remanded by a Federal court
404.988. Conditions for reopening
404.989. Good cause for reopening
416.994.How we will determine whether your disability continues or ends, disabled adults.
416.1015. Making disability determinations
416.1016. Medical or psychological consultants
416.1019. Quick disability determination process *****
416.1020. General administrative requirements

404.1047. Annual wage limitation
404.1096. Self-employment income
404.1350. Deemed insured status
416.1418. Disability hearing—review of the disability hearing officer's reconsidered determination before it is issued
416.1488. Conditions for reopening
404.1505. Basic definition of disability
404.1506. When we will not consider your impairment
404.1508. What is needed to show an impairment
404.1509. How long the impairment must last
404.1511. Definition of a disabling impairment
404.1512. Evidence
404.1513. Medical and other evidence of your impairment(s)
404.1514. When we will purchase existing evidence
404.1515. Where and how to submit evidence
404.1516. If you fail to submit medical and other evidence
404.1517. Consultative examination at our expense
404.1518. If you do not appear at a consultative examination
404.1519t. Consultative examination oversight
404.1520(a-g). Evaluation of disability in general
404.1520b. How we consider evidence
404.1521. What we mean by an impairment(s) that is not severe
404.1523. Multiple impairments
404.1525. Listing of Impairments in appendix 1
404.1526. Medical equivalence
404.1527. Evaluating opinion evidence
404.1528. Symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings
404.1529. How we evaluate symptoms, including pain
404.1530. Need to follow prescribed treatment
404.1535. How we will determine whether your drug addiction or alcoholism is a contributing factor material to the determination of disability
404.1545. Your residual functional capacity
404.1560. When we will consider your vocational background
404.1562. Medical-vocational profiles showing an inability to make an adjustment to other work
404.1563. Your age as a vocational factor
404.1564. Your education as a vocational factor
404.1565. Your work experience as a vocational factor
404.1566. Work which exists in the national economy
404.1567. Physical exertion requirements
404.1568. Skill requirements
404.1569. Listing of Medical-Vocational Guidelines in appendix 2
404.1569a. Exertional and nonexertional limitations
404.1571. General - Substantial Gainful Activity
404.1572. What we mean by substantial gainful activity
404.1573. General information about work activity
404.1574. Evaluation guides if you are an employee
404.1574a. When and how we will average your earnings
404.1575. Evaluation guides if you are self-employed
404.1576. Impairment-related work expenses
404.1579. How we will determine whether your disability continues or ends
404.1581. Meaning of blindness as defined in the law
404.1586. Why and when we will stop your cash benefits
404.1591. If your medical recovery was expected and you returned to work
404.1592. The trial work period
404.1592a. The reentitlement period
404.1594. How we will determine whether your disability continues or ends
404.1595. When we determine that you are not now disabled
404.1597. After we make a determination that you are not now disabled
404.1597a. Continued benefits pending appeal of a medical cessation determination
404.1602. Definitions
404.1615. Making disability determinations
404.1616. Medical or psychological consultants
404.1617. Reasonable efforts to obtain review by a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist
404.1619. Quick disability determination process
404.1620. General administrative requirements

Other relevant sites referenced in text of above sites but not from the SSA website:
Appendix 1 to Subpart P of Part 404  clickable synopsis immediately below (11.00 E is the SSA listing for MS)

Disclaimer:  The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice. Always consult with an attorney regarding any legal issues.

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